Paintball Division vuelve a la competición

Tras unos meses ausentes de las competiciones ya que algunos de nuestros miembros han estado inmersos en el montaje de las instalaciones de paintball laser, ahora volvemos al menos para enganchar la última jornada de Liga Sur de la cual somos co organizadores junto con Paintball Sport Cordoba.

Ya os contaremos los resultados; esperamos divertirnos mucho eso si.

Are The Best Hockey Skates Reebok or Bauer ?

Okay, as the time begins to wind down I'm drawing closer and closer to my decision to buy my new hockey gear, I'm left with a puzzle. Do I go with the brand I've always trusted, Bauer? Or do I go with the new and latest technology of the current "it" hockey company? If you don't know, the "it" company I'm referring to, it's Reebok. Reebok is currently on top and probably gets the most exposure

Olympics- Juan Antonio Samaranch passed away

Juan Antonio Samaranch, spanish sports official, president of the International Olympic Committee from 1980 to 2001 passed away at the age of 89.

London 2012 Organising Committee Chair Seb Coe said: 'I have lost a friend, one who moulded my path through sport from my early 20s, and the world has lost an inspirational man. A man who challenged us all to fight for sport, its primacy and autonomy, a fight he led fearlessly from the front creating an extraordinary sporting movement that reaches millions of people around the world. He was quite simply the most intuitive leader I have ever met.'

Galería de Imagenes Jornada II Liga Sur 2010

Ya esta disponibles las galerías de la segunda jornada de la liga Sur de Paintball 2010; en esta ocasión se han seleccionado 282 imágenes, que se sumas a las más de 400 de la jornada 1.

Este material el patrocinado por Paintball Division y Paintball Sport Córdoba

Os recomendamos pulsar sobre las imágenes panorámicas para verlas mejor.

En cámara lenta

Excelente video Paintball en cámara lenta / Slow Motion Paintball Video

Liga Sur 2010 FOTOs

En breve estará disponible la galería de imágenes de la segunda jornada de liga.
Aqui os dejamos una muestra de su contenido, recomendamos pulsar sobre la imagen para verla ampliada.

Watch Strikeforce Nashville Henderson vs Shields Live Stream

Watch Strikeforce: Nashville Jake Shields vs. Dan Henderson Live Stream on April 17, 2010 at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee.

Strikeforce: Nashville  Main Card

    * Middleweight Championship bout: Jake Shields vs. Dan Henderson
    * Light Heavyweight Championship bout: Gegard Mousasi vs. Muhammed Lawal
    * Lightweight Championship bout: Gilbert Melendez vs. Shinya Aoki

Watch Strikeforce: Nashville Jake Shields vs. Dan Henderson Live Stream on April 17, 2010 at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee.

Sarah Ayton aims to sail with Saskia Clark in 2012

According to the BBC

Double Olympic champion Sarah Ayton will be partnered by Saskia Clark in the 470 class as they aim for London 2012, after Pippa Wilson withdrew.

Ayton won her second gold in the Yngling class at the 2008 Olympics along with Wilson and Sarah Webb.

Now she has teamed up with Clark, who finished 13th in the 470 event in Beijing, after Wilson's decision to take indefinite leave from sailing.

"Teaming up with Saskia was the most natural route," said Ayton, 30.

"We are already building up a strong understanding and can't wait to get started on our campaign.

Resultados Jornada II Liga Sur 2010

Resultados de la segunda jornada de la Liga Sur 2010.
A tan solo una jornada para el final los puestos en la general se complican....
mas informacion en el sitio web del a liga

London 2012 olympics- record breaking drug tests

Record numbers of drugs tests will be carried out at the London 2012 Olympics, it has been announced.

The London Organising Committee (Locog) will carry out around 5,000 tests under the authority of the International Olympic Committee.

That is 10% more than were conducted in Beijing in 2008, where 20 of the samples taken returned positive tests.

London 2012 director of sport Debbie Jevans says the size of the testing program will give a "strong message that drug cheats are not welcome at the London Games."

London 2012 olympic games- count down has already begun

Count down has already begun for the most awaited London 2012 olympic games to be held between 27 July-12 Aug 2012 - 837 Days to go from now !

To brief about the London olympics 2012-
Out of nine bidding cities Havana, Istanbul, Leipzig, London, Madrid, Moscow, New York, Paris and Rio de Janeiro, London won the right to host the 2012 Olympics.

According to the very recent news by BBC-

"The London Olympics project is facing a "worryingly tight" financial position, a Commons committee has warned."

"The foundations for success are in place but we are in no way complacent"
Olympic Delivery Authority spokesman

As an olympic fan, we are just eagerly waiting got this even to commence.

Segunda Jornada Liga Sur

Todo dispuesto para la segunda jornada de la Liga Sur 2010, tras el aplazamiento de esta jornada debido a las lluvias intensas en las pasadas semanas. Ahora todo esta apunto y con buena previsión meteorológica para el desarrollo de la prueba.

Ya podeis descargar los cruces con las partidas en el sitio web de la liga.

Evento organizado por Paintball Division Sevilla y Paintball Sport Córdoba

Watch UFC 112 Live

Watch UFC 112 Anderson Silva vs Demian Maia Live Stream on 10 April 2010.

UFC 112: Invincible Anderson Silva vs Demian Maia is on April 10, 2010 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

UFC 112 Official Fight card
Main Card
    * Middleweight Championship bout: Anderson Silva vs. Demian Maia
    * Lightweight Championship bout: B.J. Penn vs. Frankie Edgar
    * Welterweight bout: Matt Hughes vs. Renzo Gracie
    * Lightweight bout: Terry Etim vs. Rafael dos Anjos
    * Middleweight bout: Kendall Grove vs. Mark Munoz

Watch UFC 112 Anderson Silva vs Demian Maia Live Stream on 10 April 2010.