Hockey+Equipment = Expensive

Yes, you've read the title correctly. Hockey+Equipment = Expensive. This post is for any kid who may be thinking about playing hockey. Its also for would be hockey moms to tell them what they are in for price wise. I'll be sticking to inline hockey prices since that was the particular sport I played. If you wish to play on ice, then it will be a little more expensive.First things first. You need

Paintball DIvision Sevilla Marcadoras

Marcadoras Paintball Division Sevilla
Alcalá de Guadaira

Fran Paintball DIvision Sevilla

Jugador Paintball DIvision Sevilla
Liga SUr 2009

Paintball DIvision Sevilla

Pruebas Imagen Liga Sur 2009

Puesta en Marcha BLog Paintball Division

Pruebas Paintball DIvision Sevilla

Alexander Ovechkin Celebrations - Not That Great

Ok, probably one of the most annoying sports players in recent history is Alexander Ovechkin. He's probably the Dion Sanders of the NHL and that is not a complement. If you don't know what I'm talking about check out the Ovechkin 50th Goal Celebration. Wow, can a hockey player look and act more stupid? I can't wait until they start putting his celebration dances in videogames, or have they done

CCM Tacks Longest Lasting Skates

In the previous post I mentioned my Bauer skates and how they were the best hockey skates that I've had. Well the CCM Tacks were also a good pair. They weren't the greatest, but they were the longest lasting skates that I've owned. Where the CCM Tacks' shined was the fact that they had everything you should expect from a good hockey skate. They came with an aluminum chassis or frame depending on

Hockey Equipment And Athlete Endorsed Sports Products

Hopefully we can teach you how to shop for hockey equipment. Ok, you read the title "Athlete Endorsed Sports Products". My situation involved hockey equipment that a major athlete had put his name on. Lots and lots of people out there seem to think, if a major sports athlete endorses this product then it must be good. Wrong. Athletes are all about money most of the time. I would suggest buying a

Michael Ballack Named Germany Captin for 2010 World Cup

Michael Ballack

Germany Coach Joachim Loew said Michael Ballack will be remain Captain for 2010 World Cup

Midfield Colleague Torsten Frings still has work to do to secure his Loew added,

Loew had a public falling-out last year with both Ballack and Frings after the two men criticised the way senior players were being handled in the squad.

Loew told Bild newspaper if Ballack is fit he will be there as captain in 2010. he further Of course it was a very strong conflict with Michael. But we live in football, not in some holy world. You will always have conflicts."

He added: "We all made mistakes last year. All of us."

Loew sounded less certain of Frings's chances of being in the squad for South Africa.

"Torsten was injured for quite some time," said Loew, who guided Germany to the runners-up spot at Euro 2008.

"He must work now to get back to his old form. But we also have to see how the team will develop, with some new players coming in, even from the current season

Michael Ballack Named Germany Captin for 2010 World Cup

Michael Ballack

Germany Coach Joachim Loew said Michael Ballack will be remain Captain for 2010 World Cup

Midfield Colleague Torsten Frings still has work to do to secure his Loew added,

Loew had a public falling-out last year with both Ballack and Frings after the two men criticised the way senior players were being handled in the squad.

Loew told Bild newspaper if Ballack is fit he will be there as captain in 2010. he further Of course it was a very strong conflict with Michael. But we live in football, not in some holy world. You will always have conflicts."

He added: "We all made mistakes last year. All of us."

Loew sounded less certain of Frings's chances of being in the squad for South Africa.

"Torsten was injured for quite some time," said Loew, who guided Germany to the runners-up spot at Euro 2008.

"He must work now to get back to his old form. But we also have to see how the team will develop, with some new players coming in, even from the current season