Kendo is one of the oldest Japanese martial art which originated from the tradition of Budo. in Budo, "do" means a street or how to develop themselves through martial arts training. Kendo is not only teach technique - physical sword techniques, but also teaches philosophy inherited Budo. In Kendo we can develop a strong soul, and the establishment of a positive outlook and virgin respect for each other.
Players Kendo swordsmanship using a distinguished flexible bamboo sword (shinai) to hit targets on the opponent protective clothing. Basic attacks in kendo:
Men on the go to attack your opponent's head. Sword lifted up to pass through / right above the head and then swung up to the opponent's head. Seangan men are the most basic attack in kendo. Kendoka beginners are strongly advised to expedite this one attack. Another variation of Men is Sayu-Men. In Sayu-Men, directed to attack the opponent's temples both left temple and right temple.
Spoiler for Punch Men:
Kote attacks directed at the opponent's right hand. Part is the hand that targeted the area around the wrist. Same as Men, to do kote, a kendoka also raised his sword up and swung it toward the opponent's kote. Kote attack is usually the second attack techniques that are taught at kendoka after studying Men.
Spoiler for Punch Kote:
Do attacks directed toward opponents stomach. Do the attacks are also carried out by lifting the sword over to then directed to the left side of abdomen / chest opponent (the attacker's point of view). After the sword touched his chest / stomach, Swords will be drawn with the aim of dividing the stomach opponent. At the initial stage, beating Do seakan2 done with 2 movement, but along with increasing experience and expertise of a kendoka, then attack Do was going to be a smooth movement (clean cut). Do attack is probably the most difficult technique when compared with other basic attack techniques.
Spoiler for Punch Do:
Tsuki attack is a stab in the neck. Tsuki kendoka usually begin to be taught to intermediate level. Tsuki no kendoka taught to beginners, because this attack is very dangerous if missed.
Spoiler for Punch Tsuki:
sorry the picture is small but the best .. liat aja ampe curved sword .. it feels pain ..
In practice, these four basic attacks will be further developed into a series of attacks more effective. But to get exercise, it takes effort and time is not short. The kendoka beginner will be more honed its ability to perform basic attacks first. And unfortunately this process is not brief. Perhaps it is this which causes the kendoka jemunya beginners because they are continuously trained basic attacks only. many of kendoka beginners who feel not getting what they want eventually stopped practicing kendo. This is very normal and common in all kinds of martial arts stream.
Spoiler for Image poin2 in kendo:
First impressions of Kendo is the martial arts who noisy, aggressive and loud (so klo nyari kendo dojo dojo search aja most noisy). Kendo is a martial art which dynamic, but with a distinguished learning more will be known that Kendo takes skill and a high concentration, grace and physical dexterity. The students come from diverse backgrounds ages, and women train with the provisions and the same level with men (for those who demanded emancipation cewe2 please participate in kendo kendo because you are treated the same as laki2 ^ ^).
Kendo Training consists of several types of exercises. Each type of exercise has a purpose which vary in developing the Kendoka.
Kendo, like other martial arts requires discipline and seriousness to belatih.
Kendoka are just starting to learn the basic training exercises such as ethics (Reigi), pose body and footstep different, and how to swing a sword properly. With practice gradually, the kendoka can prepare to start training with the use bogu. The next exercise will be determined olek instructors, depending on what is focused in training.
The concept of Kendo is useful to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the Katana. The purpose of practicing Kendo is:
- Uniting the mind and body
- Foster a vibrant spirit,
- And through the practice of a distinguished and hard,
- To always develop the art of Kendo,
- Uphold the honor and good manners
- Connect with others sincerely,
- And to forever continue to develop themselves.
- So that will continue to be able to love the country and its people
- To contribute to the development of culture,
- And to continue to socialize peace and prosperity in society.
(The concept of Kendo is made by the All Japan Kendo Federation in 1975)
Shinai is a sword made of bamboo. Shinai used in Keiko (training pairs), Jigeiko (sparring with the sensei or senpai), as well as Shiai (tournament). Nature shinai who have a high durability is very suitable for training, compared with Bouken.
Spoiler for shinai:
Bouken is a sword made of wood. Bouken only used in Kata (demonstration). So bouken not used in Keiko, Jigeiko, or Shiai. Sometimes in certain film2 (both documentary and action) we often see a kendoka collided with Bouken without wearing bogu, although not banned, but good control is needed in using Bouken. If not careful, Bouken can be quite dangerous weapons, especially when used in combat / sparring.
Spoiler for Bouken:
Kendo gi
Kendogi are clothes that are used in practice kendo. Kendo gi color does not indicate the level of a kendoka. Kendo gi can be colored blue, white or black.
Spoiler for Kendo Gi:
Hakama pants that are worn in kendo practice. Color hakama even this does not indicate the level of a kendoka. hakama can be colored Blue, Black, or White. (In a VCD about the words I've seen brown hakama).
Spoiler for hakama:
Men are the protectors head when a kendoka're doing Keiko, Jigeiko, or Shiai. The front of the men made of iron that make up a trellis. In Men also have a protective neck, which serves to resist attack or puncture Tsuki toward the neck.
Spoiler for Men:
Kote is protective gloves ..... hand (^^').
Spoiler for Kote:
Do the abdomen and chest protector.
Spoiler for Do:
Tare is a hip protector. On Tare, often a kendoka write his name and also the dojo where he came from.
Spoiler for Tare: