Kendo is one of the oldest Japanese martial art which originated from the tradition of Budo. in Budo, "do" means a street or how to develop themselves through martial arts training. Kendo is not only teach technique - physical sword techniques, but also teaches philosophy inherited Budo. In Kendo we can develop a strong soul, and the establishment of a positive outlook and virgin respect for each other.
Players Kendo swordsmanship using a distinguished flexible bamboo sword (shinai) to hit targets on the opponent protective clothing. Basic attacks in kendo:

    Men on the go to attack your opponent's head. Sword lifted up to pass through / right above the head and then swung up to the opponent's head. Seangan men are the most basic attack in kendo. Kendoka beginners are strongly advised to expedite this one attack. Another variation of Men is Sayu-Men. In Sayu-Men, directed to attack the opponent's temples both left temple and right temple.
    Spoiler for Punch Men:

    Kote attacks directed at the opponent's right hand. Part is the hand that targeted the area around the wrist. Same as Men, to do kote, a kendoka also raised his sword up and swung it toward the opponent's kote. Kote attack is usually the second attack techniques that are taught at kendoka after studying Men.
    Spoiler for Punch Kote:

    Do attacks directed toward opponents stomach. Do the attacks are also carried out by lifting the sword over to then directed to the left side of abdomen / chest opponent (the attacker's point of view). After the sword touched his chest / stomach, Swords will be drawn with the aim of dividing the stomach opponent. At the initial stage, beating Do seakan2 done with 2 movement, but along with increasing experience and expertise of a kendoka, then attack Do was going to be a smooth movement (clean cut). Do attack is probably the most difficult technique when compared with other basic attack techniques.
    Spoiler for Punch Do:

    Tsuki attack is a stab in the neck. Tsuki kendoka usually begin to be taught to intermediate level. Tsuki no kendoka taught to beginners, because this attack is very dangerous if missed.
    Spoiler for Punch Tsuki:

    sorry the picture is small but the best .. liat aja ampe curved sword .. it feels pain ..

    In practice, these four basic attacks will be further developed into a series of attacks more effective. But to get exercise, it takes effort and time is not short. The kendoka beginner will be more honed its ability to perform basic attacks first. And unfortunately this process is not brief. Perhaps it is this which causes the kendoka jemunya beginners because they are continuously trained basic attacks only. many of kendoka beginners who feel not getting what they want eventually stopped practicing kendo. This is very normal and common in all kinds of martial arts stream.
    Spoiler for Image poin2 in kendo:

First impressions of Kendo is the martial arts who noisy, aggressive and loud (so klo nyari kendo dojo dojo search aja most noisy). Kendo is a martial art which dynamic, but with a distinguished learning more will be known that Kendo takes skill and a high concentration, grace and physical dexterity. The students come from diverse backgrounds ages, and women train with the provisions and the same level with men (for those who demanded emancipation cewe2 please participate in kendo kendo because you are treated the same as laki2 ^ ^).
Kendo Training consists of several types of exercises. Each type of exercise has a purpose which vary in developing the Kendoka.
Kendo, like other martial arts requires discipline and seriousness to belatih.
Kendoka are just starting to learn the basic training exercises such as ethics (Reigi), pose body and footstep different, and how to swing a sword properly. With practice gradually, the kendoka can prepare to start training with the use bogu. The next exercise will be determined olek instructors, depending on what is focused in training.

The concept of Kendo is useful to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the Katana. The purpose of practicing Kendo is:
- Uniting the mind and body
- Foster a vibrant spirit,
- And through the practice of a distinguished and hard,
- To always develop the art of Kendo,
- Uphold the honor and good manners
- Connect with others sincerely,
- And to forever continue to develop themselves.
- So that will continue to be able to love the country and its people
- To contribute to the development of culture,
- And to continue to socialize peace and prosperity in society.
(The concept of Kendo is made by the All Japan Kendo Federation in 1975)


    Shinai is a sword made of bamboo. Shinai used in Keiko (training pairs), Jigeiko (sparring with the sensei or senpai), as well as Shiai (tournament). Nature shinai who have a high durability is very suitable for training, compared with Bouken.
    Spoiler for shinai:

    Bouken is a sword made of wood. Bouken only used in Kata (demonstration). So bouken not used in Keiko, Jigeiko, or Shiai. Sometimes in certain film2 (both documentary and action) we often see a kendoka collided with Bouken without wearing bogu, although not banned, but good control is needed in using Bouken. If not careful, Bouken can be quite dangerous weapons, especially when used in combat / sparring.
    Spoiler for Bouken:

    Kendo gi
    Kendogi are clothes that are used in practice kendo. Kendo gi color does not indicate the level of a kendoka. Kendo gi can be colored blue, white or black.
    Spoiler for Kendo Gi:

    Hakama pants that are worn in kendo practice. Color hakama even this does not indicate the level of a kendoka. hakama can be colored Blue, Black, or White. (In a VCD about the words I've seen brown hakama).
    Spoiler for hakama:

    Men are the protectors head when a kendoka're doing Keiko, Jigeiko, or Shiai. The front of the men made of iron that make up a trellis. In Men also have a protective neck, which serves to resist attack or puncture Tsuki toward the neck.
    Spoiler for Men:

    Kote is protective gloves ..... hand (^^').
    Spoiler for Kote:

    Do the abdomen and chest protector.
    Spoiler for Do:

    Tare is a hip protector. On Tare, often a kendoka write his name and also the dojo where he came from.
    Spoiler for Tare:


Muay Thai Thai Boxing
Muay Thai is a martial arts empty handed from ancient Thailand. A Muay Thai fighter to attack to the head, body, and legs opponents using fists, elbows, knees and shins. Basically, Muaythai has a form of stroke that is similar to western boxing type punches. Muay Thai at the present time is also popular with another name "Thai Boxing".

Thai Boxing itself has a long history in Thailand, Thai military uses a modified form of Thai Boxing known Lerdrit. Traditional Thai Boxing, as taught today, is slightly different from the original, using kicks and boxing in a boxing arena and use gloves as used in western boxing. Thai Boxing refers to as the "art of eight arms" Thai Boxing is considered as the development of traditional martial arts which originated from Southeast Asia. Muaythai is the kind of martial art was first popularized outside of southeast asia from various kinds of traditional martial contained in southeast asia
Researchers said that Muay Thai martial arts are part of the martial arts skills that come from Thailand called Krabi Krabong (Martial military use of weapons). When not armed Krabi Krabong practitioners switch to tehik fighting technique that uses the feet and dings. Evolved over time is created Muay boranes (flow ancient Muay Thai). Muay boranes divided into Muay ThaSao (North), Muay Thai Korat (East or Northeast), Muay Thai Lobburee (central region) and Muay Thai Chaiya (South).
There is a saying about Muay Thai boranes which reads "Boxing Korat, Lobburee Intelligence, Attitude Chaiya, Thasao speed. (หมัด หนัก โคราช ฉลาด ลพบุรี ท่า ดี ไชยา ไว กว่า ท่า เสา)."
Muay Korat emphasizes strength. There is a technique called "Boxing thrower Buffalo", allegedly because this technique can overcome a wild bull with a single blow.
Muay Lobburee emphasis on the agile movement. Flagship is a straight punch and punch play.
Muay Chaiya emphasizes posture and defense, as well as knee and elbow. Muay Thasao emphasis on speed, especially on the kick. Because of their speed in excess of other types of Muay boranes are also called "Ling Lom" (wind monkey or Loris).
Thai Boxing is a martial sport that is very popular and spread in selurh over the world, as sports competitions, martial arts and for some people a lifestyle.

Muay Thai is a martial arts methods that do not need weapons because of our body (bones and meat) is a weapon. Defined like this because in ancient times an army war Thailand using a natural weapon in the human body, which is a replica of a weapon of war, which can be illustrated as follows:

ARM rather like SWORD
KNEE elbow and used as a battle ax
BONE DRY FEET conditioned to hit like STICKS
works like a spear

That we must understand that the central force that no other human stomach, and at this point the flow of power begins, and from where the power starts to move, spread around the body and membership of other agencies. So the concentration of the integration of strength, speed and coordination of the muscles at the core of all engineering

Of course, many advantages for you to learn Thai Boxing as an excellent stamina, burning fat, burning body and the cholesterol and the formation of the most important, is to keep yourself with this self-defense.

Basic Technique

• footwork

• Punch
Jab: blow straight by using the left hand. To your left-handed stroke is done by using the right hand. Target blow jab is the face and body front.
Strike: blow straight from the back with your other hand is not used when blow jab. If you jab punch using your left hand, then strike using your right hand and vice versa. Target strike blows same jab.
Hook: A blow sideways, the target is the face and body side.
Upper Cut: The blow from the bottom up. The target is much more, can body side or front. In addition, the chin is also a target of this blow.


• kick
Low Kick: kick legs straight out in front waist. The target of this kick is the waist down.
Middle Kick: kick legs straight out in front waist to armpit. The target of this movement is the body of the center.
High Kick: kick high with a target of the head.
Push Kick: kick leg movements such as pushing. This movement can be done straight ahead or toward the bottom and top.


• dig
Vertical: motion by using an elbow that moves from top to bottom.
Horizontal: similar to the movement but the movement of elbow elbow vertical alignment.
Smashing Elbow: elbow-like motion with style smash.
Upper Cut Elbow: same as upper cut punch, but focus on the elbow. Nudge is moved from bottom to top.


• Dengkulan
Upper Cut Knee: knee is moved from bottom to top. Similar to the movement of another upper cut, but the focus by using the knee.
Hook Knee: almost the same hook punch but uses knees.
Circle Knee: knee motion play along with the body which also rotate. The target of this movement is the prime rib and thigh side.


Advanced Techniques
• Attack
• Clinch
The movement is only used when the game Muay Thai. His movement is like embracing the opponent from the front. Useful for attacking the opponent by using the knee.


• Combination Technique
• sparring

Tarung Supplies

    Gloves (Gloves Boxing)
    Mouth Guard (Guardian Dental)
    Shorts (Pants)
    Handswrap (Hand Pads)


Exercise Equipment

    Heavy Bags (Sansak)
    Haed Guard (Guard Chief)
    Shin Guards (Foot Guards)
    Muay Thai Pads (Kick Pad)
    Belly Pads (Pad Kick Stomach)
    Low Kick Pads (Pad to kick Swoop)
    Muay Thai Jump Rope (Jump rope for Muay Thai [more serious])

Exercise Program

    Heating / Stretching: 10 minutes
    Run: 10 km

    Skipping (Jump Rope): 20 minutes
    Shadow Box & Drill: 20 minutes
    Hitting & Kicking Sansak: 30 minutes
    Clinch / sparring: 30 minutes

This program is for professionals, for beginners adjust


2007, Star Ryan McCarthy and Jake, Movies: Never Back Down.
2004, Muay Thai boxer Asanee Suwan, film Beautiful Boxer.
1971 Shaw Brothers Studio, Film: Duel of Fists.Ti Lung.
2005, Star Tony Jaa, Movies: Ong-Bak, The Protector, Born to Fight, and Tom-Yum-Goong.
2006, Star Dida Diafat, movie: Chok Dee.
1999, Jean Claude Van Damme stars, movie: Kickboxer.
2007, Muaythai Chaiya (mandatory Film lovers Muaythai)

Shotokan Karate (松涛館空手道)


Funakoshi Niju-Kun

    空手 道 は 礼 に 始まり 礼 に 終る 事 を 忘る な
    (Karate-do wa rei ni rei ni hajimari owaru a wasaru na koto)
    Karate-do Begins and ends with rei
    空手 に 先手 なし
    (Karate ni sente nashi)
    There is' no first strike in karate
    空手 は 義 の 補 け
    (Karate wa, gi no taske)
    Karate stands on the side of justice
    先 づ 自己 を 知れ 而 し て 他 を 知れ
    (Mazu onore o shire, shikashite ta o shire)
    First know yourself, then know others
    技術 より 心術
    (Gijitsu Yori Shinjitsu)
    Mentality over technique
    心 は 放たん 事 を 要す
    (Kokoro wa koto o hanatan Yosu)
    The heart must be set free
    禍 は 懈怠 に 生ず
    (Wazawai ni wa ketai seizu)
    Calamity springs from carelessness
    道場 のみ の 空手 と 思ふ な
    (Nomino Dojo karate to omou na)
    Karate goes beyond the dojo
    空手 の 修業 は 一生 である
    (Karate-do no Shugyo wa isssho de aru)
    Karate is a Lifelong pursuit
    凡 ゆる もの を 空手 化 せよ 其処 に 妙味 あり
    (Ara yuru mono o karateka seyo; sokoni myomi ari)
    Apply the way of karate to all Things. Therein lies its beauty
    空手 は 湯 の 如し 絶えず 熱度 を 与えざれ ば 元 の 水 に 還る
    (Karate Wa Yu No Gotoku Taezu Netsu O Atae Zareba Motono Mizuni Kaeru)
    Karate is like boiling water, without heat, it returns to its tepid state
    勝つ 考 は 持つ な 負けぬ 考 は 必要
    (Katsu wa kangae motsuna; makenu kangae wa hitsuyo)
    Do not think of winning. Think, rather, of not losing
    敵 に 因っ て 轉 化 せよ
    (Tekki ni yotte tenka seyo)
    Make adjustments According to your opponent
    戦 は 虚実 の 操縦 如何 に 在り
    (Tattakai wa kyo-jitsu no soju fish ni ari)
    The outcome of a battle Depends on how one handles emptiness and fullness (weakness and strength)
    人 の 手足 を 剣 と 思へ
    (Hi to no te-ashi wa ken to omoe)
    Think of hands and feet as swords
    男子 門 を 出 づれば 百 万 の 敵 あり
    (Danshi mon o izureba hyakuman no teki ari)
    When you step beyond your own gate, you face a million Enemies
    構 は 初心者 に 後 は 自然体
    (Kamae wa ni shoshinsha atowa shizentai)
    Kamae is for beginners; later, one stands in shizentai
    形 は 正しく 実戦 は 別物
    (The word tadashiku wa, wa jisen betsumono)
    Perform word exactly; actual combat is another matter
    力 の 強弱 体 の 伸縮 技 の 緩急 を 忘る な
    Chikara no kyojaku tai no waza no kankyu shinshuku
    Do not forget the employment of withdrawal of power, the extension or contraction of the body, the swift or leisurely application of technique
    常に 思念 工夫 せよ
    (Tsune my shinen ni fu seyo)
    Constantly Be mindful, Diligent, and resourceful, in your pursuit of the Way
Grading Syllabus Shotokan in general in

10 ~ 9th Kyu

Chudan oi Zuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Soto-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Gedan barai (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Mae-Geri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Words: Taikyoku

8th Kyu
Chudan oi tsuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Soto-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Gedan barai (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Maegeri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Kata: Heian Shodan
Kumite: Gohon Kumite (5 step-Dachi Zenkutsu DNG) Jodan & Chudan Oi Oi tsuki tsuki

7th Kyu
Chudan Oi tsuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Chudan Soto-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Uchi-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Maegeri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko Geri Keage (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Kata: Heian Nidan
Kumite: Gohon Kumite (5 step-Dachi Zenkutsu DNG) Jodan & Chudan Oi Oi tsuki tsuki

6th Kyu
Chudan Oi tsuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Chudan Soto-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Uchi-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Maegeri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko Geri Keage (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Kata: Heian Sandan
Kumite: Kihon Ippon Kumite (1 step Zenkutsu-Dachi) Jodan & Chudan Oizuki Oizuki (right and left positions)

5th Kyu
Rentsuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Chudan Soto-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Uchi-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Maegeri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Rengeri (Mae-Geri-Chudan, jodan) (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Mawashi-Geri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko Geri Keage (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Kata Heian Yondan
Kumite: Kihon Ippon Kumite (1 step Zenkutsu-Dachi) Oizuki Jodan, Chudan Oizuki & Mae-Geri (right and left positions)

Kyu - 4
Rentsuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Chudan Soto-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Uchi-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) + Nukite (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Maegeri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Rengeri (Mae-Geri-Chudan, jodan) (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Mawashi-Geri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko Geri Keage (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (Right & left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (Right & Left)
Kata: Heian Godan
Kumite: Kihon Ippon Kumite (1 step Zenkutsu-Dachi) Oizuki Jodan, Chudan Oizuki & Mae-Geri (right & left position)

3rd Kyu
Sanbon Renzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Chudan Soto-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) + Yoko EMPI (Kiba-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Uchi-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) + Nukite (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Rengeri (Mae-Geri-Chudan, jodan) (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Mawashi-Geri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko Geri Keage (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right & left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right & left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Kata: Tekki Shodan
Kumite: Kihon Ippon Kumite (1 step Zenkutsu-Dachi) Oizuki Jodan, Chudan Oizuki & Mae-Geri, Yoko-Geri Kekomi (right & left position)

2nd Kyu
Sanbon Renzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Chudan Soto-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) + Yoko EMPI (Kiba-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Uchi-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) + Nukite (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Rengeri (Mae-Geri-Chudan, jodan) (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Mawashi-Geri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko Geri Keage (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Kata: Bassai - dai
Kumite: Jiyu Ippon Kumite (Semi Free 1 step zenkutsu Dachi) Oizuki Jodan, Chudan Oizuki, Mae-Geri, Yoko-Geri Kekomi (right & left position)

1st Kyu
Sanbon Renzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Soto-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) + + Yoko Yoko EMPI sloppy (Kiba-Dachi) + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Uchi-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Shuto-uke (kokutsu-Dachi) + Nukite (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Rengeri (Mae-Geri-Chudan, jodan) (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Mawashi-Geri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko Geri Keage (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Kiba-Dachi) (forward) (right-left)
Yoko Geri Kekomi (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Words: Sentei Words (choose one: Bassai - dai, Kanku - dai, Jion, EMPI)
Kumite: Jiyu Ippon Kumite (Semi Free 1 step zenkutsu Dachi) Oizuki Jodan, Chudan Oizuki, Mae-Geri, Yoko-Geri Kekomi, Mawashi-Geri (right & left position)

And 1
Jodan Junzuki (Oizuki) + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Sanbon Renzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Chudan Soto-uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi) + + Yoko sloppy EMPI (Kiba-Dachi) Chudan Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Chudan Uchi-uke + Kizami Jodan Chudan-Zuki + Gyakuzuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (reverse)
Shuto-uke (Kokutsu-Dachi) + Nukite (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Mae-Geri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Rengeri (Mae-Geri-Chudan-Jodan) (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko-Geri Kekomi (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Mawashi-Geri (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Yoko Geri (Kiba-Dachi) Yoko-Geri Keage + (change the leg) Kekomi (advanced)
Words: Sentei word) select one: Bassai - dai, Kanku - dai, Jion, EMPI)
Kumite: Kumite Shiai

And - 2
Position all of Jiyu Kamae
Kizami + Sanbon Renzuki (advanced)
Mae-Geri + Junzuki (Oizuki) + (forward)
Rengeri (Kiba-Dachi) Yoko-Geri Keage + (for foot) Kekomi (advanced)
Zenkutsu-Dachi Yoko-Geri Kekomi + Gyakuzki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Zenkutsu-Dachi Mawashi-Geri + Gyakuzki (Zenkutsu-Dachi) (forward)
Zenkutsu Age-uke-Dachi (back) (forward), Mawashi-Geri Yoko Uraken + uchi + (step) Chudan Oizuki (advanced)
Zenkutsu-Dachi Mae-Geri Yoko-Geri Kekomi + + Ushiro-Geri (performed at rest (musubi Dachi))
Kata: Tekki Nidan
Kumite Kumite Shiai

And - 3
The position of Jiyu kamae
Sanbon Renzuki (advanced)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Soto-uke + + Chudan Gedan barai Gyakuzuki (backwards)
Chudan Uchi-uke + Kizami Jodan Chudan-Zuki + Gyakuzuki (advanced)
Shuto-uke (Kokutsu-Dachi) + Mae ashi-Mae-Geri + Nukite (advanced)
Mae-Geri Yoko-Geri Kekomi + + + Chudan Mawashi-Geri Gyakuzki (advanced)
(Backward) Jodan Age-uke + (forward) Mae-Geri Chudan Gyakuzki + (forward)
Kata: Tekki Sandan
Kumite: Kumite Shiai

And - 4
Starting from Jiyu Kamae
Sanbon Renzuki (advanced)
Jodan Age-uke + Chudan Soto-uke + + Chudan Gedan barai Gyakuzuki (backwards)
Chudan Uchi-uke + Kizami Jodan Chudan-Zuki + Gyakuzuki (advanced)
Shuto-uke (Kokutsu-Dachi) + Kizami-Mae-Geri + Nukite (backwards)
(Same foot) Mae-Geri Yoko-Geri Kekomi + + Chudan Gyakuzuki (advanced)
(Forward to every kick), Mae-Geri Yoko-Geri Kekomi + + + Chudan Mawashi-Geri Gyakuzki (advanced)
Kata: Kata Tokui
Kumite: Kumite Shiai

And - 5
Kata: Kata Tokui Kata plus Question2 about tsb, Shitei word (make drill based on the Heian 1-5 Tekki Shodan and)
Kumite: Kumite Shiai

And - 6
Kata: Kata Tokui Kata plus Question2 about tsb
Kumite: Kumite shiai
Presentation: Presentation dr paper / paper on karate teknik2

And - 7
Kata: Kata Tokui Kata plus Question2 about tsb
Kumite: Kumite shiai
Presentation: Presentation dr paper / paper on karate teknik2

And - 8-9-10: Recommendations dr Shihan Kai

Manchester City 1-0 Tottenham Highlights Video - 10 May 2011

In the Premier League matches to be played on 10 May 2011 we will have two of the contendars for the fourth Position in the league as Manchester City host Tottenham Hotspurs on Tuesday night at City of Manchester Stadium. You can all tune in here to get all the information and the results update for the match here, we will be placing match highlights as well as the goals video which will be available closer to start of the match.

Manchester City are playing some sublime football, at the moment they are in the FA Cup final as well as the playing better in the league and almost certain to finish 4th unless they loss all of their games in the league. They have kind of ecompleted their target for this year which was to get into the Champions League next season and win some domestic honour and they are almost their. It will be interesting to see how this match will go about. You can always tune in here to get the live action of the match here we will be placing match highlighs here.

Tottenham on the other hand are a team which play better football, but they are not in the good form at the moment and all their early season form has been faded away which is a worry for Harry Redknapp. He will be hoping that they can beat City and snatch the Champions League position from them.

Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspurs:
Date: 10 May 2011, Time: 10 May 2011
Vanue: City of Manchester, Stadium

Match Results and Goals Video
[ Manchester City 1-0 Tottenham Hotspurs ]
30' [1 - 0] P. Crouch (o.g.)

Fulham 2-5 Liverpool Highlights Goals Video - 9 May 2011

In the Monday night football to be played on 9th May 2011 we will have Fulham taking on Liverpool in what will be a huge match in the English Premier League. Fulham are playing at top of their game at the moment but they are coming against one of the most inform team in the league at the moment in Liverpool side who are just behind Manchester United in terms of league form since the turn of the year which saw them now in contention for the 4th postion in the league. Fulham are a team playing at top of their game at the moment and they will be looking to win the match and all three points in the league. It will be interesting to see how this match goes about.

Liverpool are currently at the 6th position in the league and if things go thier way they can still go out there and get the 4th postion in the league while Fulham would want to get the 3 points and end the season on high.

You can tune in here to get the live action of the match here, we will be placing the match highlights as well as the match highlights which will be available closer to start of the match and it will be interesting to see how this match goes about as both of the teams will want win the match and keep the good run of form going into the next season.

Fulham vs Liverpool Premier League:
Date: 9 May 2011 - Time: 19:45 BST
Vanue: Cravel Cottage, London

Match Results and Highlights
[ Fulham 2-5 Liverpool ]
01' [0 - 1] M. Rodriguez
07' [0 - 2] M. Rodriguez
16' [0 - 3] D. Kuyt
57' [1 - 3] M. Dembélé
70' [1 - 4] M. Rodriguez

Man Utd ace Ronaldo: Call my free-kick 'The Rocket'

Cristiano Ronaldo says he was honoured to wear the captain's armband for Manchester United's 2-0 victory over Bolton Wanderers last night.
He told Sky Sports: "It is always good to be captain on this massive club. For me it is an honour and a pleasure.

"But my responsibilities are still the same. I do not change my game or personality just because I am captain. It was a marvellous night for me."

Ronaldo went on to insist the 2-0 triumph at Old Trafford, which took United three points clear of Arsenal at the top of the table, was down to a team effort.

"I am very proud. When you work and the goals come, it is great for me," he continued.

"It is not just about my work and my goals, my team-mates help me a lot in my career. At the moment I feel very good about my form.

"The team is the most important thing. When you win and when you score it is great. I feel very happy."

The second of Ronaldo's goals came via a trademark free-kick, which dipped and swerved wildly to leave goalkeeper Ali Al-Habsi with not a prayer.

And when asked if he had a name for his free-kick style, he smiled: "Rocket!

"I like to hear people say 'the Ronaldo rocket'. I am joking."

The win over Bolton Wanderers takes Manchester United 3 points ahead of Arsenal Fc on the Premiership table. The Red-Devils face Liverpool FC on Sunday in one of the "Big-Four" Clashes that will decide the fate of the Premier-League Title this season.


Manchester United FC got a much needed boost in their quest for the Premiership Title for the third time in a row when they beat Portsmouth FC 2-0 at Oldtrafford.
The first goal was scored by Wayne Rooney, after he received a pass from Ryan Giggs.

A tight mid-field comprising of Darren Fletcher,Paul Scholes and Anderson did not allow Portsmouth FC to achieve much although the men from the South Coast really gave a good fight for United's money.

The win puts Manchester United FC 3 points ahead of Liverpool FC.


Liverpool FC could be described as undergoing a revolution that could see the Meyseyside club go places as the latest occurrences could set the pace for more positive developments at the club.

The Club Co-Owners Tom Hicks and Goerge Gillet have resolved to bury the hatchet and forge ahead together in order to move the club forward.

Some-time ago, the two Americans had been at loggerheads over some issues which had involved transfer policy and who takes over the club.This issue and many more had made Kop Manager Rafa Benitez very unhappy with the club hierarachy. He had even sougth to qiut the club at a point.

In the move, the Americans are seeking to raise funds together in order to offset a $350,000.00 loan that had been obtained from the Royal Bank Of Scotland(RBS).The Officials of the Royal Bank of Scotland and Wachovia bank of America. were observed at Anfield during the match against Arsenal FC on Tuesday night.


Nicolas Anelka has won the Golden Boot Award for the 2008/2009 PREMIERSHIP Season. He scored his last goal of season against Sunderland FC.

He had also been contender for the Award last season but lost out to the eventual winner, Christiano Ronaldo.

He has played in Arsenal FC, Real Madrid FC, PSG FC, Manchester City FC, Liverpool FC, Bolton FC, Chelsea FC.

He has a Burger named to him called Anelka Burger and he grew up in Trappes, Paris.

Manchester United 2-1 Chelsea Highlights Video - 8 May 2011

In one of the biggest games of the season we will have Manchester United taking on Chelsea who are on their tail for the league title and it will be some electrifying atmosphere in the match as United take on Chelsea in what will be a huge match. I was there are Old Trafford last week when they played against FC Schalke at home and although there was not much of a fight in the game in temrs of competition but the crowd was absoultely magnificent and it will be interesting to see how this match goes about.

Manchester United are coming into this match on the back of a defeat in the hands of Arsenal in the league match when they were humbled at Emirates by a goes from Aeron Ramsey while they went on to beat FC Schalke with virtualy their second string squad. Now they are in the Champions League final as well and that would kind of motivate them as they take on Chelsea this week on Sunday, 8th May 2011. Manchester United did not play the likes of Rio Ferdinend, Wayne Rooney and some other big name players like Giggs, Vidic and Evra but they will all be back for this match.

Chelsea on the other hand will be looking to win the match and try to take over United in the league with better goal difference, but it will be a uphill task as Old Trafford has been a good hunting ground for Manchester United. Chelsea will field Fernando Torres in this match. You can always tune in here to get the live action of this match here we will be placing the live updates as well as the match highlights which will be available closer to start of them match.

Manchester United vs Chelsea Premier League:
Date: 8th May 2011 - Time: 16:00 BST
Vanue: Old Trafford, Manchester United

Match Result and Highlights
[ Manchester United 2-1 Chelsea ]
01' [1 - 0] J. Hernandez
23' [2 - 0] N. Vidic
68' [2 - 1] F. Lampard

Stoke City 3-1 Arsenal Highlights Video - 8 May 2011

In the English Premier League match to be played on 8th May 2011 between Arsenal and Stoke City. Both of these teams will be looking to get a win and get all three points which are going to be difficult though as Stoke are a very solid team at home While Arsenal kind of struggle against teams who are physical and play better at home. Arsenal always try to play beautifull football and it will be interesting to see how this match goes about. Arsenal have been playing some of the best football in the league as well as in the UEFA Champions League.

Stoke City on the other hand, have had a good season so far and they will be very confident going into the next match as they try to finish the season on a high. Their reputation as a tough home team is somthing Arsenal will have to vary of. Although Arsenal try to play better football going forward they kind of struggle when they have to defend.

You can always tune in here to get the live action of the match here, we will be placing live updates and match highlights here which will be available closer to start of the match.

Stoke City vs Arsenal:
Date: 8 May 2011 - Time: 14:00 BST

Sevilla 2-6 Real Madrid Highlights Goals Video - 7 May 2011

In the Spanish League match we will have raeal Madrid taking on Sevilla in what will be a huge match for the title run in although Real Madrid only have a outside chance to make it even closer to FC Barcelona, who are currently running away with the title. Real Madrid are coming into this match on the back of 1-1 draw against FC barcleona at Camp nou while they lost against them in the first leg and also their previous leage meeting last week was ended in a defeat and it will be interesting to see how this match goes about.

Sevilla on the other hand are playing really good football of late and they will give Real Madrid a tough tough time in this match I can see Mourinho's side losing points here and eventualy losing out to Barca for the title match. Sevilla are playing really well in the league and their performences have been nothing short of examplay and they will have to play out of their skin to get anything in this match against Real Madrid.

You can always tune in here to get the live action of the match here, we will e placing live streaming links and the match highlights which will be available closer to start of the match.

Sevilla vs Real Madrid:
Competition: La Liga
Date: 7 May 2011 - Time: 19:45 BST

Match Result and Highlights
[ Sevilla 2-6 Real Madrid ]
21' [0 - 1] S. Ramos
31' [0 - 2] C. Ronaldo
42' [0 - 3] Kaka
61' [1 - 3] A. Negredo
65' [1 - 4] C. Ronaldo
70' [1 - 5] C. Ronaldo
84' [2 - 6] A. Negredo

Tottenham vs Blackpool Live Stream Online - 7 May 2011

In the English Premier League match to be played on saturday evening 7th may 2011 we will have 5th place team Tottenham Hotspurs taking on blckpool in what will be a very exciting match as they are trying to go all the way and snatch 4th place of Manchester City who are also fighting it out at the 4th place although after the defeat last week when they lost against Chelsea in the league tottenham have a very very slim chance of making it to the next round.

Blackpool on the other hand are very physical side and typical teamwhich kind of trouble spurs on the field, harry Redknapp will be aware of this thing and he will be put his strongest team. During the week he has been saying that he wont chance the squad too much and the likes of big name players will stay at the club. Tottenham had a tarrif season football wise as they played some of the best and attacking football out there but they will be looking to keep the good run of form going through to the end of the season to the next season.

Tottenham wont be playing in the Champions League next sesaon while they were in the quarter finals of the event this year which was pretty cool. You can always tune in here to get the live updates of the match here, we will be placing the live streams and the match highlights.

Tottenham vs Blackpool Premier League:
Date: 7th May 2011 - Time: 17:30 BST
Vanue: White hart Lane, London

Match Results and Highlights
[ Tottenham Hotspurs vs Blackpool ]
75' [ Red Card ] C. Adam (pen.)
76' [0 - 1] C. Adam (pen.)
89' [1 - 1] J. Defoe

Everton 2-1 Manchester City Highlights Video - 7 May 2011

In the Premier League match to be played on 7th May 2011 on saturday afternoon we will have Everton hosting manchester City in what will be a very exciting game of football. Both of these teams are playing some really good football of late specialy Everton who after a horrible start to the 2010-2011 season are back on track and it have been very impressive few weeks to say the least for them. Everton will be hoping to go all the way this year and it will take a lot of effort from them to get anything out of this match against manchester City.

Man City are almost there to succeed in qualifying for the UEFA Champions League next year, as they are 4 points clear of 5th place Tottenham while they will have one eye on the FA Cup final where they face Stoke City. manchester City if they win the FA Cup and finish fourth will consider themselves having a good season. But they will have to build on it next season and make sure they compete for the title.

You can always tune in here to get the live updates of the match here, which will be available closer to start of the match. While during the match we will have the latest goals video here.

Everton vs Manchester City Premier League:
Date: 7th May 2011 - Time: 15:00 BST
vanue: Goddison Park, Liverpool

Match Results and Highlights
[ Everton 2-1 Manchester City ]
28' [0 - 1] Y. Touré
66' [1 - 1] S. Distin
72' [2 - 1] L. Osman

Manchester United vs FC Schalke 2nd Leg Live Stream Online - 4 May 2011

In the UEFA Champions League match to be played on 4th May 2011 we will have FC Schalke visiting Manchester United in the 2nd leg of the match. It is one of the most interesting match around as United are coming into this match on the back of a defeat against Arsenal, while before that they managed to grab a win against SChalke in the first leg when they secure a 2-0 win which gave them huge emphasis in the 2nd leg.

Manchester United are playing at top of their game, although they suffered a defeat in the hands of Arsenal but they will be all up for this match as another big match coming up in few days as Chelsea play against United in the Premier League match on Sunday. It will be interesting to see how this match goes about. You can always tune in here to get the live action of the match here as well as the match highlights which will be available closer to the end of the match.

Team News: Wayne Rooney is a major doubt for the match while Berbatove and Hernandez are expected to play in the match. Manchester United will be looking to go all the way in this match and I can predict easy win for united in this as they will be booking their place in the final of the Champions League to be played at Wembley Stadium. FC Schalke on the other hand will be looking to get a good performence under their belt and leave the Old Trafford heads held high.

Competition: UEFA Champions League
Manchester United vs FC Schalke
Date: 4 May 2011 - Time: 19:45 BST
Vanue: Old Trafford,Manchester

Barcelona 1-1 Real Madrid 2nd Leg Highlights Video - 3 May 2011

In the Champions League semifinal we will have FC barcelona taking on Real Madrid in what will be huge match at Camp now on 3rd May 2011 and it will be interesting to see how Real madrid put there team up in this match. Jose mourinho has been hugely scrutenized for the anitques in the first leg and he will be sitting in the crowd for this match as Real Madrid go out there to climb the highest mountain. Last time when the visited camp nou match ended 5-0 in the favour of home side and it was embarassing for them. Now Real Madrid will be hoping to go out there and try to overturn the 2-0 deficit they have.

Both teams are coming into this match on the back of defeats in the respective matches in the league and it will be interesting how this match goes about. FC barcelona are playing some really nice football this season and their prize asset Leo Messi is in form of this life he has already scored 53 goals in the season and most likely be the potent threat in front of the goal for the catalunia side as they try to beat Real Madrid for the 3rd time this season and get to the big final at Wembley stadium in London.

Real Madrid also had a good season uptill now, and their recent meetings with Barcelona have been very even I have to say as they went on to beat them in the Copa Del Rey final and also drew against them in the league couple of weeks ago. Now they will be hoping to get another good result against he team which is hailed as one of the best in the history of Barcelona. Although Real Madrid have a uphill battle they can still getinto the skin of Barcelona if the can score early on which will make home side nervouse and make them prone to mistakes.

Match Results & Highlights
[ FC Barcelona 1-0 Real Madrid ]
54' [1 - 0] P. Rodriguez

Arsenal 1-0 Manchester United Highlights Video- 1 May 2011

In one of the biggest match of the season we will have 2 premier league title challengers and arch rivlas going head to head at Emirates Stadium and it will be interesting to see how this match goes about as Manchester United are playing really well of late and their performences has allowed them to be on top of the league as well as in the Semifinal of the UEFA Champions League where they will be playing FC Schalke in the 2nd leg.

Arsenal on the other hand will be hoping to get all three points and keep their ver slim title hopes alive going into the last 3 matches of the season. so far they have played around 34 matches so far and they have 67 points in the league which sees them in the 3rd place behind Manchester United and Chelsea, who are at 1st anad 2nd position respectively. Arsenal will most likely finish 3rd in the table unless things improve dramaticaly for them. There season started out in a great not but they could not managed to make it to the next level and finishing the season trophyless again.

Manchester United on the other hand are out of the FA Cup, but are going strong in the league and the Champions League and it will take mega effort from them to win both league and european competition but they look comitted and very strong. You can always tune in here to get the live action of the match here we will be placing the match highlights here shortly before it all starts.

Match Result and Highlights
[ Arsenal 1-0 Manchester United ]
56' [1 - 0] A. Ramsey

Liverpool 3-0 Newcastle United Highlights Video - 1 May 2011

In the Premier League match to be played on Sunday 1st May 2011 we will have Liverpool taking on newcastle United in what will be a huge match for both the sides as they will be hoping to go all the way in the next few matches and get three points so that they can finish as high as possible in the table. You can always tune in here to get the live action of the match here we will be placing match highlights as well as the results of the matches here.

Liverpool have played around 34 matches in the league and they will be hoping to keep the recent good run of form and their recent form has been very impressive to say the least although their new purchase Carrol wont be playing against his former Club as Newcastle United will be traveling to face Reds at Anfield. You can alawys tune in here to get the live updates of the matches here.

Newcastle United on the other hand ae king of struggling at the moment, theyr had a strange all season as they were playing pretty good football in bits and parts and if they were little bit more consistant they would have been in much better position in the league. Now they will have to go out there and win this match against liverpool which will be tough task.

Liverpool vs Newcastle United Premier League:
Date: 1st May 2011 - Time: 12:00 BST
Vanue: Anfield, Liverpool

Match Result and Highlights
[ Liverpool 3-0 Newcastle United ]
10' [1 - 0] M. Rodriguez
59' [2 - 0] D. Kuyt (pen.)
65' [3 - 0] L. Suarez