Arbeloa: Man Utd should be more worried about Liverpool

Alvaro Arbeloa says Manchester United should be more worried about Liverpool than the other way round.

He told Liverpool's website: "You worry a little bit when you're going to be up against Ronaldo, Carlos Tevez and Wayne Rooney because they are fantastic players - but that's my job.

"We have big defenders here like Carra, Sami and Fabio. They are great defenders, so I can sleep well."

The fullback added: "Fernando Torres and Stevie Gerrard are playing really well, scoring goals and have a good partnership. I think the Manchester United defenders will be really worried."

Liverpool's recent form has been very impressive as Coach Rafa Benitez's preferred 4-3-2-1 formation has really helped the team to defend together as a team and at the same time allowing the mid-field to counter-attack the oppossing team.

Liverpool Fc faces Everton Fc and Arsenal FC in subsequent fixtures that will decide Liverpool FC's standings in the Premiership Standings.