2nd Asian Beach Games 2010 - Muscat, Oman



The award winning Mascots are the friends of the 2nd Asian Beach Games Muscat 2010. In June 2010 they received a Special Commendation for Green Campaign of the Year at the Oman Green Awards.

The Mascots hold a special position as Green Ambassadors and are the fictional platform by which MABGOC is addressing real life issues – the environment!

Selected, not only for representing the vast and varied regions of the Sultanate, the Mascots each symbolise a vulnerable or endangered species found in Oman.

Al-Jebel (Tahr) Al-Reeh (Houbara) and Al-Med (Green Turtle) are the three friends who act as mascots for Muscat 2010. Chosen to represent the land, the water and the skies of Oman, the animals also support the Games slogan ‘Together We Shine’.

Each brings their own personality and character to building the spirit of the Games. Al-Jebel shows us ambition in his love for competition, Al-Reeh teaches us fair-play and the importance of teamwork and she often mentors and coaches her friends, and Al-Med teaches us commitment, patience and kindness to oneself and others.


The Green Turtles are amongst the oldest and important marine species living in Omani water, with thousands of them returning to Oman each year to nest. The Green Turtle was chosen to represent the waters of Oman, which will play host to various sports at the 2nd Asian Beach Games.

The Green Turtle character has been named ‘Al-Med’ meaning ‘the tide’. His personality is gentle, kind and polite. He is very good at water sports as he has been practicing since a very young age. Al-Med is often a little bit awkward in social situations so usually he likes to compete in individual sports. Sometimes other people try to take advantage of Al-Med, because he is a little bit naive, however his luck always saves his shell!

TAHR (Al-Jebel)

The Tahr is native to Oman and lives on steep rocky slopes. The Tahr was chosen to represent the land of Oman.

NamedAl-Jebel’ meaning ‘the mountains’ this mascot is ambitious, he loves to compete and he often wins! He does not like to lose, although he would never cheat to win. Al-Jebel is a bit stubborn and set in his ways, but when you get to know him you find he is very caring and will do anything to protect his friends.


The Houbara is known as one of the most beautiful and magnificent birds of desert. It has been chosen to represent the beautiful open skies and fresh air in Oman.

Named ‘Al-Reeh’ meaning ‘the wind’ this mascot is bit older and wiser than Al-Med and Al-Jebel so she often gives them advice. She loves children and often spends time with her nieces and nephews coaching them on how to play her favourite sports. She really loves to be part of a team and spending time with friends and family. She is patient and caring and always willing to lend a hand or listen when needed.

Click Here to download Mascots Images

Source : http://www.muscat2010.org.om/en/Downloads/Pages/mascots.aspx