Are The Sox Buck-Ing Up?

One of the more under-discussed aspects of the 2011 Red Sox is the catching situation. Is Tek coming back or is he headed to the Phillies as a back-up? Is Saltalamacchia still cursed with Chuck Knoblauch's disease, or is he the apple of the Red Sox eye? And, most importantly, is Victor Matinex going to be a Tiger? Everyone (including this writer) is so focused on the bullpen and outfield needs, that we forget about the backstop crisis.

Enter John Buck. He of the 20 HRs and .802 OPS in 2010 for the Blue Jays. Reportedly, the Sox are hot on Buck's trail in the event that we have no viable catching options soon. Buck is a decent choice, and at age 30 (come July), is a little more serviceable than my choice—Miguel Olivo (age 32 in July).