Have a Brew on Me: Natty Greene's

By: C.G. Morelli

When I heard Natty Greene’s, a brew pub right in my own backyard, had brought home hardware home from the Great American Beer Festival, I was mildly excited to say the least.

It was 2006, and I had not yet completed my maiden voyage to Natty Greene’s Brew Pub in downtown Greensboro, NC. But after they snagged a silver medal for their Old Town Brown Ale, I figured a visit was long overdue.

The pub was established in 2004, but the structure that houses it was built in 1895. The old town feel inside is comfortable and inviting, all the brewing is done directly on site, and the Brown Ale lives up to its billing.

Long story short, it wasn’t a tough decision to become a bit of a repeat customer over the past two years. Surprisingly, however, it wasn’t the signature Brown Ale that kept me coming back. It was another of what Natty Greene’s calls their “core” of beers, the Guilford Golden Ale.

Its deep, golden color winks at you from within a full pint and begs you to take a sip. Once you do, you’re presented with a mild, nutty ale that’s not overly bitter or gassy like other brews in its mold. Guilford Golden Ale exudes a slight tinge of honey without giving you the impression you’re drinking cough medicine. It all adds up to a beer that’s very enjoyable, even for a person who may not normally order ale.

With a slogan like “Taste the South,” you better be able to deliver a quality, authentically American beer with a clean finish. Natty Greene’s Guilford Golden Ale is more than up to the task.

5 pints out of 5