In fairness, not everything sucks about soccer:
Why I Hate Soccer
Offsides. The stupidest rule in all of sports and another reason to hate soccer. What is the point of this rule? To make it even harder to score goals, which are obviously too hard to score in the first place? There is actually a strategy where the defense purposely runs past the offensive player to draw the penalty. Man what a creative and beautiful strategy. Imagine if the NFL passed a rule that a receiver couldn’t run past the furthest defense of back. Or if basketball players couldn’t run past a defender on the fast break. That would be the equivalent of this ridiculous rule that soccer employs. I understand they are trying to discourage cherry picking, but that has to be a better way. Not letting a forward(?) beat his man down the field pitch is stupid and ruins would could be some exciting scoring opportunities.
In fairness, not everything sucks about soccer:
In fairness, not everything sucks about soccer: