INTER, Milito

"Chasing a fifth title"

Diego Milito spoke to Mediaset on the eve of Inter's departure for Monte Carlo.

This is what he had to say:

Diego Milito has travelled almost 35,000km since May. From Europe to South Africa, then South America and North America - you have clocked up more miles than any other Inter player. Are you tired?
"It's certainly not the best thing to do. I have travelled a lot lately and you can't always train at best, but the most important thing is that I am gradually reaching my form."

You have won four trophies and now you have the chance to add a fifth - a title that Inter have never won.

"It (the UEFA Super Cup) is a very important title and we are working hard to win it, because it's a title that Inter and many of us have never won."

You will go up against a player you know well: El Kun Aguero.

"Yes, there's him, Diego Forlan and other important players at Atletico, which is a great team. We will have to be very careful."

The Champions League draw takes place tomorrow. Are you curious to learn your opponents?
"Yes, of course, but the important thing is that we will be one of the top seeds. We will see what happens and how our luck goes."

And if you get Real Madrid?

"We will play the match, like we did against Barcelona last year. But you always hope to avoid a big team at the start."

In Monte Carlo you could win the award for best player in last year's Champions League.
"It would be nice but it would also be a victory for an extraordinary group. The personal awards are always nice but the recognition is for the whole team."

What would you give to repeat last season?
"A lot. It was an unforgettable and unique season. It will be hard to repeat, but we will try. We are working every day in search of perfection and we want to win more and more."

You had a good goal ruled out for offside in the Italian Super Cup.
"Yes, unfortunately. But it doesn't matter. I always say that the team's result at the end is the most important thing."

Has José Mourinho called you to congratulate you?

"No, I haven't spoken to him."

He says that coaching Inter is a dream. What do you think?
"Coaching Inter is a dream for anyone because it's a great club and a great team."
